It can all be summed up as “financial conflicts of interest.” Big Pharma is the major advertisers in media, and coincidentally, the major framer of media stories.

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Consenting to a PCR or a less invasive/dangerous RAT test is perpetuating the fraud: no isolated virus means no validated test, and certainly no diagnosis. Wearing a muzzle to appease the tribe while risking hypoxia/hypoxemia/hypercarbia? No thanks. Not travelling much these days. :-(

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I fully agree about consenting to the tests perpetuating the fraud. I personally refused to do that and I know other that did also. Treating unvaccinated differently than vaccinated when the science is clear on the issue is discriminatory.

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Yes. PCR tests are, to be blunt, crap tests and somewhat poisonous anyway it seems. RAT tests are not required as the only RATs are those dirty rats in big pharma and the media who need exterminating.


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Yeah the media definitely does need a lesson in science but their first need a lesson in journalismThey have to stop regurgitating what they’re investigating rubberstamping it as their research article for the story ,as everyone knows especially on this website mass media is totally captured by big money big Pharma money whoever has the buck media will tell their side story .....

That’s not journalism that’s advertisement call what it is .......

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As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’”

But perhaps best put was "In the end, all corruptions will come about through the sciences." - Soren Kierkegaard Wasn't dissing science here, but rather the corruption of the scientists.

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Songs and music videos about censorship and medical tyranny.

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

A country singer bemoans his now ex-girlfriend’s conversion to the Covidian cult. Watch Turfseer’s new music video MY COVID CRAZY GIRL. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-covid-crazy-girl

Gaslighting marches on unabated as the odious social media “hired guns” do their dirty work. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song FACT CHECKER. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/fact-checker

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BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

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Hello from the UK.

Many thanks for your article, very good. You say "But blaming religious people for outbreaks is not okay, both morally and scientifically."

You forgot to add 'sensibly'.

I asked the heaven Father about this and He said "Any ******* ***** who thinks that anybody can transfer a ****** virus to someone else needs their brain examining.

And if they think vaccines are any use whatsoever they have **** for brains and do not deserve to be on this planet. Once I and the angels get our hands on the Nazi little ******* who have perpetrated these crimes on the Children of God will find the vaccine pricks shoved up their collective *****!!!"

As you can see He is a teensy weesy bit annoyed. I had to redact his words for the overly sensitive.

I have known that the crock of shite that is germ/vial theory is fundamentally flawed since June 2020 having turned my thinking round in 2 months solid research whilst on furlough, I am sorry I was so slow.




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As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’”

Or perhaps as Soren Kierkegaard noted “in the end, all corruption will come about as a consequence of the natural sciences.” (not dissing science, but corrupt scientists, if you read the full quote)

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